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Club Mission


Bilingual Debate Club aims to improve a series of skills of the club members primarily through debate, which includes thinking skills, research skills, communication skills, and teamwork. And by conducting debates bilingually, the club helps members to become balanced learners as IB students by enhancing their proficiency in different languages. 


Activity Aim


Kuei Shan Bilingual Festival aims to improve students’ language ability in both Chinese and English. We hope that students can use this opportunity to exhibit and practice their language skills. Kuei Shan Bilingual Festival includes four different contests - speech, storytelling, poetry reciting, and debate - which trains students’ verbal communication, bilingual abilities, non-verbal communication, public speaking, logic, organization, persuasiveness, and critical thinking skills. These skills allow students to become better communicators, thinkers, and balanced IB learners, so that they can perform well in their studies or future careers. 



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