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Rules for Individual Contests

The individual contests include: bilingual speech, bilingual storytelling, and bilingual poetry reciting.



報名期限為5/18 ,請欲參賽的同學填寫報名表,並於期限前交回。
The registration deadline is on 4/29. Students who wish to participate are requested to fill out the form and return it to Kuei Shan Bilingual Debate Club. 


Individual Contest General Rules

1. 各組參賽者比賽順序將隨機抽籤決定,並且已於官網上公布。

The order of contestants in each group are determined by a random draw and are announced on the official website.

2. 由於每項個人賽的參賽者都未超過六人,決賽將取消,預賽獲得最高分之選手將直接獲獎。

Since the number of contestants for all individual contests does not go over 6 people, the finals will be canceled. The highest-score contestants in each contest will be the winners. 


3. 參賽者必須為就讀於奎山中學六年級至十一年級的學生。參賽者均需穿著制服或正式服裝。

All participants must be G6~G11 students from Kuei Shan School and neatly dressed in school uniforms or formal clothing.


4. 參賽者應於比賽時間準時到場,主辦單位將點名。遲到五分鐘以上將失去其參賽資格。如遇不可抗力之因素請在比賽開始前通知主辦單位,由主辦單位評估後再行決議。

All participants should arrive at the venue at time of the set time of the competition. The chairman will roll call. Those who are late by 5 minutes will be disqualified. If participants face any difficult situations that prevent them from arriving on time, the organizers should be informed before the competition, and necessary arrangements will be made. 


5. 中英部分在同一個比賽場地舉行,選手需先完成中文項目,接著在開始英文項目。

Both the Chinese and English sections will be conducted at the same venue. Participants shall start the English section immediately after finishing the Chinese section of the event.


7. 選手發言時,其他參賽者請保持安靜,且不得以任何方式妨礙必賽進行,否則失去比賽資格。

When a contestant speaks, other contestants are requested to be quiet. No distraction should be, otherwise, they will lose their qualifications.


8. 個人賽事的主題、文本已經公佈於官網,請參賽者務必選擇符合題目或指定的文本。

The themes and designated texts for the finals are announced at the official website. Contestants must select texts that fit the themes or use the designated texts. 


9. 不得使用任何道具,包括背景音樂。

Props, including background music, are not allowed.


10. 參賽者攜帶之物品均需以不妨礙比賽正常進行為原則。如有質疑,該場主席有權裁決。

Participants should not carry any objects that may cause disruptions to the contest. The final decision on the matter rests with the organizer.


11. 比賽時如有突發事件,該場比賽主席擁有最終裁決權。

In case of emergency, the final decision rests with the organizer. 


12. 比賽期間,在場各位須關閉手機。

All mobile phones must be switched off during the contest.


13. 主辦單位保有修正規則權力

The organizer reserves the right to revise the rules.

14. 由於比賽將在線上進行,選手所攜帶的紙本、電子筆記資料、字數將不會有任何限制。

Since the competition is going to be online, there will be no restrictions regarding the notes that the contestants bring in. 

Individual Contest Time Limitations

1. 個人賽事所有項目皆有時間規定,參賽者使用的時間過長或不足都會被扣分。

All individual contests have a time limit. Participants will be penalized if too much or too little time is used.

  • 演講 Speech:


       Preliminary & Final: total 5~7 minutes for both laungages (2.5~3.5 minutes for each language).

  • 說故事 Storytelling:


       Preliminary & Final:  total 4~5 minutes for both lanuguages (2~2.5 minutes for each languages).

  • 詩歌朗誦 Poetry Reciting:


       Preliminary & Final: total 3~4 minutes for both languages (1.5~2 minutes for each language).


2. 當聽到計時人員指示鈴響起,參賽者即可開始進行比賽。在該項目規定時間下限會響一次鈴提醒,到達規定時間上限會響兩次鈴進行下的語言或強制結束。

Participants shall start when the judge rings the bell. The bell will ring once when a participant meets the minimum time requirement. The bell will ring twice when the maximum time allowed for the contest is up and the participant will have to stop immediately. 

個人項目比賽題目 Individual Contest Themes

1. 個人賽事中所有項目皆有主題規定,如不符合主題或使用非指定文本,得分總分將會被扣五分。

All individual events must follow the prescribed themes. For irrelevant or non-designated text used, five points will be deducted from the participant’s total score.


2. 文本內容需正向,不暴力、不血腥、不色情。

The information must be positive; content of violent, sanguinary and pornographic nature is strictly prohibited.

© 2022 Biligual Festival - hosted by TKSS Bilingual Debate Club

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