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Rules for 3 vs 3 Debate

Bilingual Debate General Rules

1. 此比賽採淘汰制,輸的隊伍將會直接被淘汰。兩場預賽的獲勝隊伍將會晉級決賽爭取最後的冠軍。
This competition adopts an elimination system, in which the ones that lose will be directly eliminated. The winning team from each of the two preliminary will advance to the final to compete for the championship.  


2. 各組參賽隊伍的順序以及正反方將由抽籤決定,並已公佈於官網。為講求公平,各預賽對手將依照年級分配。

The order and sides of the teams in each group will be determined by a random draw and are announced on the official website. Due to fairness considerations, the opponents in the preliminary round will be assigned according to the grade of the contestants. 


3. 參賽者必須為就讀於奎山中學六年級至十一年級的學生。參賽者均需穿著制服或正式服裝。

All participants must be G6~G11 students from Kuei Shan School and neatly dressed in school uniforms or formal clothing.


4. 參賽者應於比賽規定時間準時到場,主席將點名。遲到五分鐘以上將失去其參賽資格。如遇不可抗力之因素請在比賽開始前通知主辦單位,由主辦單位評估後再行決議。

All participants should arrive at the venue at the set time of the competition. The chairman will roll call. Those who are late by 5 minutes will be disqualified. If participants face any difficult situations that prevent them from arriving on time, the organizers should be informed before the competition, and necessary arrangements will be made. 


5. 最佳辯手的獎項會由評審委員從決賽隊伍中參照整體的語言表達和論辯能力選出,並在決賽後與冠軍隊伍的獎項一起頒發。
The award for the best debater will be selected by the judges from the final teams with reference to the overall language expression and argumentation ability, and will be awarded together with the championship team after the final.


6. 選手發言時,其他參賽者請保持安靜,且不得以任何方式妨礙必賽進行,否則失去比賽資格。

When a contestant speaks, other contestants are requested to be quiet. No distraction should be, otherwise, they will lose their qualifications.

7. 由於比賽將在線上進行,選手所攜帶的紙本、電子筆記資料、字數將不會有任何限制。

Since the competition is going to be online, there will be no restrictions regarding the notes that the contestants bring in.

8. 比賽進行時,觀眾不得以任何形式與辯論員交流或傳遞資料,否則作違規論,主席有權作出適當裁決。
During the match, audience members are not allowed to interact with the speakers on stage or pass on any information to them. Otherwise, it will be considered a breach of rules. A judgment will be made at the discretion of the Chairperson.


9. 比賽進行時,各辯論員須以規定之語言﹙中文及英語﹚論辯、提問、作答,不得使用方言,否則扣分。各辯員均不得有人身攻擊、粗言穢語或其他不當行為。如出現類似情況,主席有權終止其發言。
During the match, all speakers should debate, ask and answer questions in the specified languages (i.e. Putonghua and English). Dialects should not be used or points will be deducted. Personal attacks, foul language, and other improper behavior are not allowed. Should a speaker display the said behavior, the Chairperson reserves the right to terminate his/her speech.

11. 各辯論員攜帶之物品均需以不妨礙比賽正常進行為原則。如有質疑,該場主席有權裁決。
Items carried by the speakers must not cause any disruption to the match. The final decision on the matter rests with the Chairperson.

12. 比賽時如有突發事件,該場比賽主席擁有最終裁決權。

In case of emergency, the final decision rests with the organizer. 


13. 主辦單位保有修正規則權力

The organizer reserves the right to revise the rules..

Time Limitations

1. 辯論過程中用鈴聲提示時間。第一次鈴聲,示意開始發言;第二次鈴聲表示時間尚餘 15 秒;連續兩次鈴聲表示時間已到,辯員必須停止發言。

Bell sounds are used to indicate the time during the debate. The first bell indicates that the speaker can begin to speak. The second bell indicates there are fifteen seconds left. Two consecutive bells indicate that time is up and the speaker has to stop.

2. 計時人員將透過展示計時器,讓參賽者得知剩餘時間。

The timekeeper will show the remaining time to the contestants by showing a timer.


3. 如果鈴聲在發言過程中誤響,主席有責任及時通知辯員,並准許其繼續發言,發言時間可酌情延長。

If the bell rings by mistake while a speaker is speaking, the Chairperson should inform the speaker immediately and allow the speaker to continue to speak. The speaking time should be extended accordingly.

Rules for the Challenge-Defense Session

1. 各位辯員的發言、提問及回答嚴格按照雙語辯論形式的規定進行。
All speakers must strictly follow the format of Bilingual Debate when speaking, asking and answering questions.


2. 正方辯手一擁有定義權,若正方辯手一並未提出明確定義,反方辯手一則獲得該場辯論的定義權。
The first speaker of the proposition has the right to make any reasonable definitions. The opposition has the right to make any reasonable definitions that are not stated by the proposition. 


3. 所提問題如果模糊不清,對方答辯員有權向主席提出,唯以總評委之裁定為準。
If the question is unclear or ambiguous, the speaker of the opposing team can raise the matter to the Chairperson, although the final decision will be made by the Chief Judge.  


4. 當主席示意台上發問時間開始後一分鐘內仍無人發問,此次發問方不會得分,而對方則無須答辯並得分。
The Chairperson will indicate the start of the questioning session. If no question is asked within a complete minute after the start of the questioning session, the questioning team will score zero points. The opposing team will be awarded points even without any response.


5. 結辯不可再加入任何新的立場、觀點,否則將被評審扣分。
Any new standpoints or positive matters are not allowed to be stated in the summary, or marks will be deducted by the judges. 

Debate Format: Oregon 3 vs 3 Bilingual Debate

截圖 2022-05-14 下午12.37.13.png

© 2022 Biligual Festival - hosted by TKSS Bilingual Debate Club

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